Sarah Adriana Nica

Personal Information

•  Nationality: Romanian

•  Marital status: two children.

•  Age: 53 years

•  Place of Birth: Bucharest

•  Home address: Romania , Bucharest , Petre Ispirescu Street, 9, Bl. 40, Sc. 2, parter , Ap. 40, Sector 5 Tel. +40-21-4238869

•  Hospital: Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine & Balneoclimatology Department, University Hospital, Splaiul Independentei 169, Bucharest, Romania
Tel. 40-21-3186459
Tel/Fax: +40-21-3186458; GSM: +40-722567936

•  E-mail:

Summary of qualifications & education

1967 - 1971 High school, graduated with high-school leading diploma Baccalaureate, with the maximum grade: 10.

1972 - 1978 University of Medicine "Carol Davila" Bucharest

1978 - 1981 General medicine resident - Bucharest (internal medicine, surgery, orthopedy, gynecology, infection diseases)

1981 - 1982 Head of External Section of the Neuropsihiatric Hospital - Braila

1982 - since now University of Medicine "Carol Davila" Bucharest - Dept. of Physical Medicine, Balneoclimatology and Rehabilitation

1982 - 1985 Resident for assistant lecturer in speciality

Since 1985 Specialist of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Sport Medicine

From 1990 Senior doctor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

In 1997 Ph.D. in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

From 1992 Professor Doctor in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University Hospital

From 2000 Director of the Program - Physiokinetotherapy Faculty

From 2000 Head of Department Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Medicine "Carol Davila" Bucharest

Postgraduate training

Postgraduate courses:

•  acupuncture (1983),

•  homeopathy (1986, 1987, 1988),

•  "New Priorities for Health Care" , June 1991 Salzburg

•  Postgraduate training in Rehab, December 1991 - March 1992 Nancy - Reeducation Fonctionelle, France, Secretariat d'Etat Aux Handicapes et Accidentes de la Vie

•  Competence in Pain Therapy

•  Competence in Biostimulation of Laser Therapy

•  Electromyography testing and Evoked Potentials

Lectures organized by Project Concern International and I.M.F.B.R.M. (1993):

•  "Normal development of child, IMC", March 1993 Bucharest

•  "Rehabilitation in Arthrities", March 1993 Bucharest

•  "Occupational Therapy", April 1993 Bucharest

•  "Evaluation of Low Back, Orthosis", May 1993

•  "Romanian Universitary Management"
21 - 25 October 1996 and 3 - 7 February 1997

•  Training for projects in Health Care Field, 23 - 27 March 1998,UMF "Carol Davila"

•  Up-Date in Pain Treatment, 23 - 25 April 1998 Sinaia

•  Building a Strong Foundation in Medical Rehabilitation, 31 May - 2 June 1999, CARF - The Rehab. Accreditation Commission LUND , Sweden

•  "Advanced course membrane transport processes and signal transduction" FEBS
24-31 August 1997 Bucharest

Professional experience


•  First three years as general practitioner, specially I trained in surgery, and after this in neuropsyhiatric diseases ( for a year),

•  Since 1982 I have worked for many years theoretically and practically with many students from General Medicine and progressively I have been involved in training programs for residents and postgraduate section, and therefore obliged to be in training all the time, in many different ways in connection with our interdisciplinary program and speciality; so, I have delivered many types of lectures for our speciality and from time to time in connection with other specialities (neurology, rheumatology, orthopedy, pediatry, geriatry, sport medicine)

•  our speciality includes a special section with natural therapeutical factors-balneoclimatotherapy; I was also interested in this section and I have decided to study in a special section- ''crenotherapy for urinary diseases ''-this subject being the title my Ph.D. work.

•  I was interested in rehabilitation for low-back, peripheral and central neurological diseases, elderly diseases, different modalities to treat some chronical pain syndromes, lasertherapy.


•  training of students from University of Medicine & from Faculty of Kinesitherapy, residents from Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and postgraduate section, Physiokineto College , Sport Faculty

•  tutorship for 52 scientific diploma papers for medical students


•  90 researches, some of them only in presentation and some are typing in different medical reviews;

•  I was involved in physiotherapy and clinical-therapeutical researches concerning with posttraumatic sequelae, rheumatology, neurology, geriatry, therapy of pain and spa cure (specially in reno-urinary diseases)

Publications (Books)

•  Crenotherapy in the reno-urinary diseases

•  Compendium of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

•  Compendium of Orthoses

Summary of publications (articles)

•  Some aspects of therapeutic behaviour and recovering in degenerative and posttraumatic pathology of the knee and ankle;

•  Clinic methodological study regarding the medical recovering of the miofascial caused lombalgies;

•  Kinetotherapeutic methodologic studies;

•  Study on the estimation and recovering of patients with postoperatory status in lumbar disc hernia;

•  Resonse of human lymphocytes in low power Helium-Neon laser irradiation;

•  Research on the effects of laser-therapy application in low-back pain of musculo-capsulo-ligaments disorders;

•  Comparative research concerning with some rehabilitation programmes of low-back pain;

•  Research of crenotherapy for diuresis with mineral therapeutical waters in kidney stone and urinary infections;

•  Algic phenomenae - considerations concerning somatical pathology

•  Research concerning the clinico-radiological correlation of low/back syndromes after rehabilitation programmes;

•  Research recovering clinico-therapeutical and rehabilitation programmes of inflammatory rheumatological diseases of the elderly;

Additional professional activities

•  postgraduate courses: acupuncture, homeopathy, universitary management

•  homeopathy

•  member of:

Romanian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Romanian Association of Pain (President)
Romanian Rheumatological Association
Romanian Association for Osteoporosis
Romanian Association for Laser
Romanian Association for Psiho-neuro-endocrinology
Romanian Association for Geriatry
Fellow of Seminar Salzburg Society


•  English fluently, French fluently


•  mountaineering, classical music


The importance of balance assesment of locomotory rehabilitation dise

The balance desorders requires assesment of a multidisciplinary program, including the connection with principal types of pathology (neurology, posttraumatic, rheumatology, etc.) and somatic background.

The therapeutic functional program includes kinetotherapy and, specially, trainning in compensation focuse on motion provoked symptoms for readjustment and recalibration of a lot of reflexes (vestibulo-ocular, visual-ocular, cervico-ocular, vestibulo-spinal) and some sensory modalities of feed-back and feed-before of somatic posture patterns.

Our aim was to organise the rehabilitation postural program for periferal neurological and posttraumatic desorders. We studied the results on sample of pacients (170) which demonstrated the neccesity to introduce in the rehabilitation program a special section for the balance assesment.