Mircea Miclea


Date of birth: 8 November 1963
Place of birth: Cioara, Alba County, Romania
Marital status: married to Stefania Miclea, a clinician psychologist at the Diabetes and Nutrition Diseases Clinic in Cluj-Napoca
Children: 2 (Mara, Mihai)
Email: mirceamiclea@mec.edu.ro


Professor at the Psychology Department of "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj-Napoca and head of the department since 1996

General Chancellor of "Babes-Bolyai" University from 2001 to February 2004

Editor and founder of the "Creier, Cognitie, Comportament" magazine (Brain, Cognition, Behaviour), a magazine covered in PsychInfo

Cognitive and behavioural psychotherapist, certification no. 12372, National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists, USA

Chair holder of The UNESCO Chair on Higher Education Management and Governance since 2001, UBB

Visiting Professor at Birmingham University, 1995, New School for Social Research, New York, 1995, Vienna University, 1998 etc.

Minister for Education and Research since December 2004.


Doctorate in psychology (1995); thesis: "Mecanisme psihice de aparare in conditii de stres" (Psychic Defence Mechanisms under Stressful Circumstances)

Master in Business Administration, 2004, "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj Napoca

Degree in philosophy (psychology optional group) Magna Cum Laudae, 1987

Postgraduate advanced studies (1998-1999), New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania

Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies (1999-2000)


Member of the Democrat Party


International Affiliate Member of American Psychological Association (1995)
European Society for Cognitive Psychology, local officer (1996)
Psychonomic Society Affiliate, USA, (1996)
International Council of Psychologists (1997)
Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study- permanent fellow
Chairman of the Romanian Association of Cognitive Sciences (1996)
Vice-chairman of the Romanian Psychologists Association (2002)


The "C.R. Motru" Award of the Romanian Academy (1992)
Millton Erickson Gessellschaft fur Clinische Hypnose Award for young scholars (1999)


I. Author's volumes

1. Mircea Miclea: Psihologie cognitiva (Cognitive Psychology), Gloria Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1994, 488 pages; second edition, 2000, Polirom Publishing House, Iasi.

2. Mircea Miclea: Stres si aparare psihica (Stress and Psychic Defence), Presa Universitara Clujana Publishing House, 1997, 215 pages.

3. O. Benga, M. Miclea (Eds.), Development and cognition, PUC Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, 2001, 347 pages.

4. M. Miclea, D. Opre, Evaluarea academica (Academic Assessment), ASCR Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, 2002.

5. M Miclea, P. Curseu, Modele neurocognitive (Neurocognitive Models), ASCR Publishing House, 2003, 388 pages.

II. Collective volumes

1. Representing  reality on sensitivity-repression continuum, in F. Wagner, G. Fleck (eds)  Ways of thinking, Braum?ler  University Press, Wien, 1999.

2. Analyse de l'approche pratiqueé entre 1950 et la fin des anneés quatre vingt dans les pays de l'Europe de l'Est: le cas de la Roumanie in S. Ionescu (ed.) La déficience intelectuelle, tom 2, Nathan, Paris, 1995 (chapter 21).
3. Introducere în psihologia contemporana (Introduction to Contemporary Psychology), Sincron Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1991 - co-author, chapters: Psihologia cognitiva si inteligenta artificiala (Cognitive psychology and aitificial Intelligence), Stres si relaxare (Stress and relaxation), Gândirea (Thought), Limbajul (Language), Creativitatea (Creativity), Analiza complexa a comportamentului (A complex analysis of behaviour), the Romanian Academy Award, 1992.

4. Metodologie psihologica si analiza datelor (Psychological Methodology and Data Analysis), Sincron Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1993 - co-author, chapters: Metoda experimentala (The experimental method), Evaluarea cercetarilor clinice (Assessment of clinical research), Metaanaliza (Meta-analysis).

5. Hipnoza si hipnoterapie (Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy) in "Psihologia si viata cotidiana", vol. II, the Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1992.

6. O perspectiva cognitiva asupra creativitatii (A cognitive perspective on creativity) in "Studii si cercetari", vol. lithographical, Busteni, 1988.

7. Problematizare, competenta si creativitate în grupul de elevi (Problem method, competence and creativity within a group of pupils) in "Studii si cercetari", vol. lithographical, Cluj-Napoca, 1989.

8. Intentional forgetting of emotional laden stimuli in 38th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, vol. 2, PSP Publication, 1997.

III. Psychological testing

Miclea, M (coordinator), 2003, Bateria de teste psihologice de Aptitudini (BTPAC), 23 psychological tests on cognitive skills; the only set of cognitive tests, created and validated on Romanian population.

IV. Educational software

Miclea, M (coordinator) Cifrele (Figures), ORDA, 2003, program code 042200001
Miclea, M (coordinator) Matematica. Rataciti pe insula calculelor (Mathematics. Lost in the land of calculi), ORDA, 2003, program code 051000001

V. Articles (scientific journals)

Miclea, M. "Learning to do" as a pillar of education and its links to entrepreneurial studies in higher education: European context and approaches, Higher Education in Europe, no.2.vol. XXIX 2004, pages 221-231.
Miu A.C., Olteanu, A., Miclea, M. A behaviorial and ultrastructural dissection of the interference of aluminium with aging in Journal of Altzheimer Disease, vol.6, no. 3, iunie 2004.
David, D., Miclea, M., Opre, A., The Information- Processing approach to the Human mind: basics and beyond, in Journal of Clinical Pszchology, vol.60, no.4, April, 2004.
Miclea, M., Institutional level reforms and the Bologna process. The experience of nine universities in South East Europe, in Higher education in Europe, no.3, 2003, pages 259-272.
Miclea, M,. Curseu, P. Framingul si mecanismele de aparare (Framing and defence mechanisms) in  Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, , no. 4, 2003, pages 359-383.
Miclea, M.,  Consortii si universitati metropolitane (Metropolitan Consortia and Universities) in Actualitatea academica,  no.4, 2003,  pages 59-67.
D. David, M Miclea Behavior therapy in Romania. A Brief History of Research Theory and Practice in   The Behavior therapist, vol 25, January, 2002.
Applying ECTS at Babes Bolyai University. A case study in Cognitie . Creier, Comportament, no. 3, 2002.
Une perspective psycho-logique sur le "probleme" in "Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales", Serie de Psychologie, no.1, 1987, (in collaboration).
  Tipul A de comportament si stresul profesional la personalul muncitor feminin cu functii de conducere (Type A behaviour and professional stress at female workers with leadership attributions), in collaboration, in "Revista de Psihologie", no.4, 1987.
Psihologia cognitiva (Cognitive psychology) in "Revista de Psihologie", no.2, 1988.
Despre silogismul practic (On practical syllogism) in "Revista de Filosofie", no.4, 1985.
Încercari asupra fundamentelor logicii erotice (Attempts on basic erotic logics) in "Revista de Filosofie", no.3, 1987.
Teoria "problemei" la L. Blaga ("Problem" theory in L. Blaga) in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Series Philosophiae", no.1, 1988.
Formal languages in Psychology in "Revue Roumaine des Sciences - Serie de Psychologie", no.1, 1989.
Limbajele formale si psihologia (Formal languages and psychology) in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Series Psychologia", no.1, 1989.
Dezvoltarea cognitiva în perspectiva descendentei piagetiene (Cognitive development with a view to piagetian descent), together with Ioan Radu, in "Revista de Pedagogie", no.6, 1989.
Modelarea în sistemul psihologiei cognitive (Modelling within cognitive psychology), together with Ioan Radu, in "Revista de Psihologie", no.1, 1989.
Tendinte actuale  în explicarea comportamentului uman (Current trends in explaining human behaviour)  in "Revista de Filosofie", no.2, 1990.
Mecanisme cognitive de adaptare la stress (Cognitive mechanisms in adaptation to stress) in "Studia Universitatis BabesoBolyai - Seria Psychologia-Paedagogia", nr.2, 1991.
Mecanisme de gestiune a stresului (Stress management mechanisms) in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Seria Psychologia-Paedagogia", no.2, 1993.
Copingul cognitiv. Reevaluarea mostenirii psihanalitice (Cognitive coping. Re-assessment of psychoanalytical legacy) in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Seria Psychologia-Paedagogia", no.1-2, 1994.
Inconstientul freudian si inconstientul cognitiv (Freudian unconscious and cognitive unconscious) in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Seria Psychologia-Paedagogia", no.1-2, 1995.
Laudatio profesorului U.  Neisser (Laudation to professor U.  Neisser), together with I. Radu, in "Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai Seria Psychologia Paedagogia", no. 1-2, 1995.
Repression as successful intentional forgetting in Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, no. 2,1997.
Applications of cognitive sciences in education" in Cognitie , Creier, Comportament", no. 3, 1998.
Defense mechanisms as suggestive techniques, in Proceedings of The 15th International Congress of Hypnosis, Munich, 2000.
An integrative theory of defense mechanisms, European Journal of Personality, in press.
Representing  reality on sensitivity-repression continuum, in F. Wagner, G. Fleck (eds)  Ways of thinking, Braumuuler Press, Wien, 1999.
Defense mechanisms. Some lessons from cognitive neurosciences and ethoexperimental studies, Cognitie, Creier, comportament, 1999, no. 4, pages 401-419.
Reflectii asupra practicii cercetarii in psihologia actuala (Reflections on research practice in nowadays psychology), in collaboration with A. Bivolaru, in Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 2000.

VI. Reviews

1. Starea logicii in "Echinox", no.7-8, 1986.
2. A. Lemaire : Jaques Lacan in "Revista de Psihologie", no.4, 1989.
3. I. Berar : Aptitudinea matemetica la scolari in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Seria Psychologia",  no.1, 1991.
4. Revue francophone des déficiences mentales in "Studia Universitatis Babes-Boyai - Seria Psychologia", no.1, 1990.


- English - very good
- French - good
- Russian - good