James Carlson

Dr. Carlson re­ceived his den­tal ed­u­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta and was grad­uat­ed in 1964. He spent three years as a den­tist in the US Navy from 1964 to 1967. He began his first dental practice in Palm­er, Alaska and served there as the pres­i­dent of the South Cen­tral Dis­trict Dental Society. He also served as the pres­i­dent of the Alas­ka Chap­ter of the Amer­i­can So­ci­e­ty of Den­tist­ry for Chil­dren. He moved to Wash­ington State in 1974 and has served as pres­i­dent of the Mount Bak­er Dis­trict Den­tal So­ci­e­ty. He is a past member of the Amer­ican Equi­li­bra­tion Society Amer­i­can As­so­ci­a­tion for Func­tion­al Jaw Or­tho­pe­dics, In­ter­na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion for Or­tho­don­tics, Ho­lis­tic Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion, the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Crani­o­fa­cial Pain, and the Ad­vi­so­ry Board of­ the Price Potten­ger Foun­da­tion. He is currently a member of the Amer­ican Dental Asso­ci­a­tion. For over 10 years, while in private prac­tice in Bel­le­vue , Wash­ington , he limited his services to treat­ing TMJ and Fa­cial Pain. He has stud­ied ex­ten­sive­ly in the ar­ea of Cra­ni­al Fa­cial Pain and TMJ, Ortho­don­tics, and Jaw Or­tho­pe­dics dur­ing the past 22 years. He was a featured instructor teaching Occlu­sion at the Las Ve­gas In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Den­tal Studies for 3 years. He currently teach­es cours­es on Occlu­sion, Occlusal Diag­nosis, and remov­able Pros­thetics throughout the United States , Canada , Australia , New Zea­land , and England .

Was grad­u­at­ed from high school, Alex­an­dria , Min­ne­so­ta 1956

At­tend­ed Gus­ta­vus Adol­phus Col­lege, St. Pe­ter , Min­ne­so­ta 1956 to 1958

Was grad­u­at­ed from the U­ni­ver­si­ty of Minnesota B.S. 1962, D.D.S. 1964

Unit­ed States Na­vy Den­tal Corps 1964 to 1967

Served with the U.S. Ma­rines Corps, Camp Pen­del­ton , Ocean­side CA , Sangley Point NAS, Re­pub­lic of the Phi­lip­pines , and Treas­ure Is­land Naval Station, San Fran­cis­co , CA

Pri­vate gen­er­al den­tal prac­tice:

Palm­er, Alas­ka from 1967 to 1974

Oak Har­bor , Wash­ing­ton from 1974 to 1980

Bel­le­vue , Wash­ing­ton - gen­er­al prac­tice from 1980 to 1991.

Bel­le­vue , Wash­ing­ton - lim­it­ed den­tal prac­tice 1991 to 2001 to Or­tho­don­tics and the treat­ment of Head, Neck, and Facial Pain and Tem­por­o­man­dib­u­lar Joint Dis­or­ders

Past mem­ber of:

Acad­e­my of Gen­er­al Den­tist­ry

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Den­tist­ry for Chil­dren

Past Pres­i­dent - Alas­ka Chap­ter

Wash­ing­ton So­ci­e­ty of Pre­ven­ta­tive Den­tist­ry

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Ap­plied Nu­tri­tion

In­ter­na­tion­al Acad­e­my of Oral Med­i­cine and Tox­i­col­o­gy

Amer­i­can Equi­li­bra­tion So­ci­e­ty

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Bio-Gal­van­ic Tech­nol­o­gy

Board of­ Di­rec­tors - Ho­lis­tic Den­tal As­so­ci­a­tion

Ad­vi­so­ry Board - Price-Pot­ten­ger Foun­da­tion

In­ter­na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion for Or­tho­don­tics

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my for Func­tion­al Or­tho­don­tics

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Cra­ni­o­fa­cial Pain

Cur­rent mem­ber of:

Amer­i­can Den­tal As­so­ci­a­tion

Past Pres­i­dent South Cen­tral Dis­trict Den­tal So­ci­e­ty - Alas­ka

Past Pres­i­dent Mount Bak­er Dis­trict Den­tal So­ci­e­ty - Wash­ing­ton

For three years was a fea­tured in­struc­tor teach­ing In­tro­duc­tion to Oc­clu­sion, Full Mouth Re­con­struc­tion, Complete Dentures, and Case Diag­no­sis and Treat­ment Plan­ning at the Las Ve­gas In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Den­tal Stud­ies, Las Ve­gas , Ne­va­da


In­ter­na­tion­al Lecturer on Occlusion, Occlusal Diagnosis, Removable Prosthetics, and the AccuLiner System

Instructor teaching removable prosthetics using the AccuLiner Denture System

Instructor teaching dental laboratory technicians theory and practical occlusion using the AccuLiner System

Dental consultant to private dental practitioners

Developer of the AccuLiner articulator

Introduced Occlusal Studies to the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies in 1999 and was their primary instructor for 3 years teaching occlusal principles and engineered occlusion with the AccuLiner articulator.

Consultant for Dentsply/Trubyte USA

Consultant for American Tooth Industries



Diplomate of Postgraduate Education - Awarded April 2004 at the BioResearch Annual Conference




  • Phys­i­o­log­ic Oc­clu­sion re­leased in March 2004
  • The Ac­cu­Lin­er Sys­tem re­leased in March 2004
  • Oc­clu­sal Di­ag­no­sis re­leased in March 2004
  • Ar­ti­cle, The Sig­nif­i­cance of the Plane of Oc­clu­sion, The Func­tion­al Or­tho­don­tist Jour­nal of Function­al Jaw Or­tho­pe­dics, Vol. 10, No 4, Ju­ly /Aug 1993.
  • Ar­ti­cle, C­ri­te­ria Used to Establish the Ideal Plane of Oc­clu­sion The Func­tion­al Or­tho­don­tist Jour­nal of Function­al Jaw Or­tho­pe­dics, Vol 13, No. 3 May /June/Ju­ly 1996 and Vol. 14, No 4 Aug/Sept 1996,
  • Ar­ti­cle, The Effect of Biome­chan­ical Phys­ical Forces and the Position of the Plane of Occlu­sion on Segments of the Stoma­tog­nathic Sys­tem LVI Den­tal Vi­sions Las Ve­gas In­sti­tute for Advanced Den­tal Stud­ies.
  • Ar­ti­cle, The Need for an Or­tho­pe­dic Oc­clu­sal An­a­lyz­er in Or­tho­don­tics , The Jour­nal of Gener­al Or­tho­don­tics , pp. 8-13, Vol. 10, Sum­mer 1999.
  • Ar­ti­cle, Oc­clu­sal Ex­am­i­na­tion and Di­ag­no­sis , The Bul­le­tin , ADG On­ta­rio , Can­a­da 2004
  • Ar­ti­cle, Dis­cov­er­ing Undi­ag­nosed Pain Patients in a Gen­eral Den­tal Prac­tice
  • "The Four Pil­lars of Occlu­sion" , Oral Health Sept. 2004 On­ta­rio , Can­a­da and Dental Economics Nov. 2004


Guest Lecturer:

  • Montana State Dental Technicians Association - Full Dentures
  • Washington State Dental Technicians Association - Full Dentures
  • Mid-America Dental Technicians Association - Full Dentures
  • ­American Academy of Craniofacial Pain - TMD/Pain
  • American Academy of Orofacial Pain - TMD/Pain
  • American Academy of Functional Jaw Orthodontics - Occlusion
  • International Symposium on Denturism - Full Dentures
  • Eight Annual Symposium of Facial Growth Guidance - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Holistic Dental Association - USA - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Holistic Dental Association - Germany - Physiologic Occlusion
  • J. Lechner Seminars - Austria & Germany - Occlusion & Full Dentures
  • Classic Dental Laboratory - Toronto , Ontario - Occlusion
  • Pro-Art Dental Laboratory - Toronto , Ontario - Occlusion, Occlusal Diagnosis, & Full Dentures
  • Shaw Dental Laboratory - Kingston , On­ta­rio - Occlusion, Occlusal Diagnosis, & Full Dentures
  • Ri­deau Den­tal La­bor­a­to­ry - Smith Falls , On­ta­rio - Occlusion
  • Aurum Dental Laboratory - Calgary , Alberta - Occlusion
  • Posey Dental Laboratory - Langhorne , Pennsylvania - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Williams Dental Laboratory - Gilroy , California - Full Dentures
  • ­BioResearch Annual Conference - Milwaukee , Wisconsin - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Ocean Ceramics Laboratory - Vancouver , Canada - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Opus One Laboratories - Agoura Hills , California - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Body Logic Seminars - Sydney and Melbourne , Australia - Occlusion, Occlusal Diagnosis, & Full Dentures
  • J. Dean Seminars - London , England - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Dentsply/Trubyte EclipseT Conference - Chicago , Il­li­nois - Full Dentures
  • SO­TO-USA - Jack­son­ville , FL and Wash­ing­ton DC - Occlusion, Occlusal Diagnosis, & TMD
  • Ventura/Santa Barbara District Dental Society - Oxnard, California - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Bucks/Montgomery District Dental Society - Pennsylvania - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • London District Dental Society - Ontario , Canada - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Seattle Study Club - California - Occlusion
  • Summit Study Club - Phoenix , Arizona - Occlusion & Occlusal Diagnosis
  • Minnesota Holistic Medical Association - Physiologic Dentistry


Cours­es Avail­a­ble:

At var­i­ous lo­ca­tions in the USA , Can­a­da , Eng­land , and Aus­tra­lia :

  • Foundations ofl Oc­clu­sion - 1 day
  • Physiologic Occlusion - 3 days
  • Com­pre­hen­sive Oc­clu­sal Di­ag­no­sis - 3 days
  • Ex­cep­tion­al Den­tures - The Ac­cu­Lin­er Den­ture Sys­tem of "En­gi­neered" Re­mov­a­ble Pros­thet­ics - 3 days

Foundations of Occlusion

Much of what we have been taught about occlusion is inadequate. Occlusion may be more than you think it is. Interdigitation of teeth is not occlusion, it's only part of it. Occlusion can be viewed as a dynamic functional system designed for mastication, speaking, singing and so on. It includes the bones (skull, maxilla, mandible and cervical vertebrae), muscles, nerves, and temporomandibular joints as well as the interdigitation and spatial alignment of the teeth. The teeth are only apart of the whole.

This one-day seminar is an introduction to the foundations of occlusion that he calls "The Four Pillars of OcclusionT". Dr. Carlson will demystify occlusion by taking a broad, but straightforward approach to this often-perplexing area of dentistry.

Dr. Carlson will discuss the:

  • Significance of the Plane of Occlusion
  • Criteria for Ideal Occlusion
  • Significance of Posterior Guidance
  • Alignment of the Maxilla
  • Mandibular Position
  • Mandibular Movement
  • Basic Occlusal Examination
  • Use of the AccuLiner Occlusal Analyzer
  • Flaws in Traditional Occlusal Concepts

Dr. Carlson will demonstrate:

  • Use of the ULF-TENS device
  • How to take a Swallow Bite
  • Palpation of Head, Neck, and Facial Muscles