Jean Pierre Amigues

Marital status: married

Nationality: French

Age: 65 years

Birthplace: Perpignan


  • Marseilles 1961, Diploma for the occupation of kinesitherapist
  • Maidstone G.B. 1975 ( European School of Osteopathy) Diploma for the occupation of Osteopath
  • 2002 Diploma Inter Academic of postural neurology - Faculty of Medicine of Toulouse.
  • Professional experience 1963 to 1979 kinesitherapist in Toulouse
  • 1979 to date osteopath MROF exerting in Toulouse
  • References 1985 to 1993 consultant at the research laboratory in occluso-gnatology of the Faculty of Dental surgery of Toulouse under the direction of Professor Lubespère.
  • 1990 to 1993 Part-time lecturer to the Faculty of Medicine of Bobigny under the direction of professor Cornillot.
  • 1988 to 1995 part-time lecturer to the CIDO
  • 1995 to 1999, part-time lecturer to the Ostéopathique College of Montreal, Quebec.


•  L'ATM une articulation entre l'Ostéopathe et le Dentiste - Editions De Verlaque

•  L'ostéopathie - Fondement, techniques et applications - Editions Ellébore

•  Traité de clinique ostéopathique - Edition spirale

•  Le système stomatognathique - Edition Sauramps Montpellier France

Cervical lordosis occlusion

A loss of cervical lordosis to an influence on the system stomatognathic and vice versa the cranial-facial morphogenesis and, in particular the maxillo-mandibular relationship are related to cervical-cephalic statics.

A wrong cranial-cervical posture, can disturb the adaptation of neuromuscular muscles of the area and create a hyperactivity of the muscles retractors (muscle digastric and posterior beam of the temporal muscle). We can observe the same clinical signs at the time of a functional disturbance as an oral breathing.

A tension of the muscles of the neck, in particular SCM muscle leads to a former inflection of the head. That involves a change in the occlusal contacts and causes long compression of the disc.

Classes III known as functional calculuses, among orthodontists, should lead us to observe the state of the cervical column.

The observation of cervical lordosis amongst other things enables us to approach inherent dysfunctions with the posture of the individual.

In the presence of such signs private clinic, we think that it should be systematically practiced an architectural analysis of the area.