
This site has in view to disseminate the viewpoints of the researchers and clinicians in order to improve medical knowledge and practice of the professionals in this field of health.

The human body is a set of elementary structures situated into a certain balance and under the law of gravity. The key to this balance is the POSTURE, the position of the body in the environment in which it works. If only a structural element of this system is working improperly, the balance disappears and the diseases set in. These topics are studied by POSTRUROLOGY, by the way of all the classical medical fields, implying complex aspects of neurophysiology, biomechanics and ergonomics.

A complex team of specialists contribute to the investigations of the postural dysfunctions and static troubles of the body axis, with or without pain symptoms: general practitioners, neurologists, rheumatologists, radiologists, orthopedists, ophtalmologists, ENT specialists, dentists, sports doctors, acupuncturists, ostheopats, chiropractors, kinotherapeutics, podologists, orthoptists, audioprothesist technicians, dental technicians etc. who all together will contribute to a correct diagnosis and an efficient global rehabilitation therapy.

For the last 20 years, the researchers and the practitioners have been studying POSTUROLOGY both in the direct contact with the patients in medical cabinets and in various centers of research, achieving numerous exchanges of ideas among specialists in medicine.

Introduction in Posturology

POSTUROLOGY is the medical field that studies the postural dysfunctions and the static disturbances of the body axis, allowing the stability of the individual segments in space in the state of vertical position or in movement.

POSTUROLOGY approaches the human being in a systemic and ethiologic view, evaluating the health state in harmony with the hipocratic tradition of the Western medicine.

During this millennium of high technology, in which robotics, microsurgery, genetics are dominating , there are still people whose cause of sufferings has not been discovered, and who are classified as posturally disabled. The alteration of the processes of regulation by various elements of the modern life is a main source of considerable growth of postural troubles in the industrialized or developing countries. Over 90 percent of the world population suffer of troubles of the spinal cord.

The kind of interdisciplinarity of posturology among various specialists in medicine extends the field of the effectiveness of therapies towards a better health state of the sufferers.

Site's content

This site is directed to clinicians, researchers and technicians who wish to improve the knowledge and techniques in the field of the medical posturology.

•  introduction to posturology

•  presentation of the fine postural tonic system

•  articles or abstracts published in medical reviews

national or international scientific manifestations.