Marcello Luca Marasco

Born in Monza (ME) on February the 7 th , 1966 , resident to Raiano (AQ) in via Vella, 3.

Titles of study:

•  Degree c/o ISEF of the Catholic University of Milan with 106/110 in 1987.

•  Degree c/o fine Schools directed to special for Therapist of Rehabilitation c/o University of the Studies of Milan with 47/60 in 1990.

•  Dr. in Osteopathy (6 years) with supported examination at the International Commission of the Registry Italian Osteopati c/o Italian institute of Osteopatia of Milan (from 1997 to 2003).


•  Freelance Osteopath in the Aquila, Mentana (RM), Pescara , Raiano (AQ).

•  Founder of the Center of Research in Medicine Works them c/o ATLAS Pescara. (web:

•  Investigator and responsible field Manual Osteopathy and Therapy and field Rehabilitation c/o Institute of Research for the Posturology "the Cinnamons" in the Aquila (web:

•  Didactic coordinator and Teaching c/o School of Osteopathy Kinesis sponsored from University "the Wisdom" of Rome .

•  Coordinator in centers of rehabilitation and Back School in the Aquila, Molina (AQ), Pescara, People (PE), Raiano (AQ).


  • " Back School contro il mal di schiena, programmazione e conduzione"; Edizioni Amaltea, 2000.
  • "Mal di schiena: iter diagnostici, riabilitativi e rieducativi" - Atti del I° convegno ABE, 14 settembre 2002, L'Aquila. Pubblicazione ABE e Nuova Ipsa Editore di Palermo.
  • "Mal di schiena: lavoro d'equipe" - Atti del II° convegno ABE, 27 e 28 settembre 2003, L'Aquila. Pubblicazione ABE e Nuova Ipsa Editore di Palermo.

Other research activities

  • Founder and President Association Back School & Europe medicines (asscociation of study and search on the rachide). Situated web:

Organizer and scientific responsible of the seg. national conventions:

•  I° convention "Badly of back: iter dignostici, riabilitati you and rieducati to you ", Auditorium Dompè Plant, Coppito (AQ), 14/09/02 .

•  II° convention "Badly of Back: a team job. Biomechanical aspects, neurophisiological, psychological, nutritional, postural, occluso-dental, osteopathical, and of rehabilitation ". Auditorium Dompè Plant, Coppito (AQ), 27 and 28/09/03 . III° convention To.B.And. " Postural Dysfunctions in the evolutionary age. Experiences to comparison ". Ibis Accor Hotel of Tor Vergata - Rome . 2/10/04 .


Reconsideration of the vertebral mechanic by Littlejohn: the fifth functional arch, the skull arch.

The study of spine functional arches, stronghold of a modern clinical semeiotic in posturology, has been restudied respect to the original of John Littlejohn by introducing the skull arch.

If you just consider the biomechanical movements of the skull base integrated with the vertebral one, you can explain the functional and also the dysfunctional answers of human postures referred to some mechanical stimulus in the postural receptors situated in the skull.